Inferno (2018)

Dante's Inferno transposed to 21st Century Britain

In Dante's Inferno, Dante himself, having lost his way, is guided through hell by Virgil to reach salvation.

Has contemporary Britain lost its way socially, morally and politically? Does Dante speak of us and to us? What lessons can be learned from this 14th Century poem?

Inferno - Canto I (760mm x 570mm) Screenprint, Graphite, Edition of 15.

Inferno - Canto II (760mm x 570mm) Screenprint, Graphite, Edition of 15.

Inferno - Canto III (570mm x 760mm) Screenprint, Edition of 15.

Inferno - Canto IV (760mm x 570mm) Screenprint, Edition of 15. Note this work has an embedded 3D image only visible when scanned using the 'Augment-3D' App.

Inferno - Canto V (570mm x 760mm) Sreenprint, Edition of 15.